Start monetizing your knowledge by creating online courses & selling through CraeerJini Platform
"Teaching is the profession that create all other professions."
As a teacher & creator you can encourage many minds to think and imagine and hands to create right and adequate.
We are seeking outstanding educators to help leads the transformation of thousands of students across the world.
If you want to become an educator and want to work & earn from home, so join us on CareerJini. There is no restriction on categories, we are open for all categories of education. Please fill this form and we will get back to you.
Educational Marketplace
One stop destination for course sellers & students
100% Secure & easy to use
Educational Marketplace
CareerJini is collaborating with Teachers, Tutors, Educators, Schools, Colleges, Institutions, Students, Professionals to create educational ecosystem for Learning & employment.
No Fees for listing your course
There are No Fees for creating & listing your courses on CareerJini Platform.
Strong network for selling
CareerJini & ExamJini is using hybrid business model to reach out to masses. We have strong team of Franchise, Partners & Associates. And you can capitalize this network for selling your courses.
Secure Payments Regularly
Funds are safely deposited into your bank accounts every month with all details.
No need individual Branding effort
CareerJini is a well established brand in Edtech Industry & you can leverage the same.
Second source of selling platform
If you are already selling courses from any other platform, you can also list your course for selling from here, which will help you to generate extra income.